

Dec 12 2024


Yesterday was a day of torrential rain all day and into the night but today the sun rose at dawn and roads and driveways dried up, and today 12/12/24 in No.Western Ct. grass is growing and green. The world needs rainy days but can truly avoid the massive storms of Nature’s Wrath. I Am and always have been a lover of Nature. Growing up in the state of Maine where forests, lakes and mountains surrounded me. My father was a hunter and fisherman and taught his children the fun and wonders of outdoor sports. Fishing was one of our favorite sports where we trolled the lake and fished off the dock of our camp. I remember my brother catching one of the largest land locked Salmon to ever be caught in Long Lake. It was over 4 pounds and took 30 minutes to reel in. It bent his fishing rod into an upsidedown U as it swam under the boat. I was able to finally net the fish and bring it in the boat as it flopped around. My brother and I were teenagers and my father drove the fishing boat. My brother was so proud of his catch that we took pictures of him holding it up and he sent the pictures to one of the states biggest newspapers the Bangor Daily News. He got the picture published and became a fishing hero in Maine.

Nature is the nurturing mother of Humanity. Many of my photographs praise Nature’s beauty. I have spent all my life appreciating the beauty of the seasons, and it has awakened my Spirit to the magnificence of our Creator.

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