Their have been few men throughout history who have garnerd the justified hatred of people throughout the world. D.Trump is one of the only men in power who are more hated and scorned by his own countrymen and people in every country in the world. D.Trump thrives on hate. His presidential campaign was all about hate. Hate for immigrants, people of color and the poor and infirmed. Hatred for pubic education by destroying the federal Dept. of Education and welfare programs including Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security. Trump is as mean and cold hearted as Satan ever could be. His Cabinet appointments are all incompetent and haters as well. Those close to Trump are malicious tools of torture to the American people. Elon Musk and Stephen Miller who created and designed the plans to destroy American Democracy and impliment cruel and sadistic hardships on over 70 million Americans who depend on Medicaid and Medicare and Social Security. The firing of over 100,000 Federal employees including Veterans as Trump wants to close down the Veteran’s Administration.
D.Trump’s Presidential Administration of Hatred will soon crumble into ashes and be destroyed by the hatred he instills in the American people and people throughout the world against him.

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