

Mar 23 2025


I recieved a spritual message tonight that I felt I should share with my readers. The world is going mad and fear is everywhere. Mass murders, mass starvation, genocide. Who would ever have thought that Israel a country founded on the mass -genocide of millions of Jews would become a mass genocider of the nation of Palestine. The vision of our world leaders has been warped by hatred. Authoritarians like D.Trump and Netanyahoo and Putin, Kim yong Un of No. Korea and so many others are creating wars and cruel national punishments for all who rebel against them. I dread all that is happening to billions of people around the planet and millions of Americans living in the wealthiest nation in the world who are fearing homelessness and financial insecurity. D.Trump the idiot authoritiarian fascist they elected is stripping them of the health and financial programs depended upon by over 100 million Americans and depriving medical aid and food to the poorest of nations by ending our USAID programs. We must all try to avoid complete and total hatred for D.Trump and all the murderous regimes around the world and believe that faith in God and our own resistence will conquer the Satanic forces that have overtaken our world. What I saw in my vision was a world of complete brotherhood, where compassion and fellowship ruled the planet. It can be if we believe it can be, and rid our minds of hatred and resist by billions of us the Satanic forces that are trying to take over the world.

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