

Jul 23 2024


I have had spritual blessings my entire life, except I didn’t always recognize them. Every time I fell by fate or foolishness I was miraculously lifted up by Spirit and believed in faith and Divine Presense to aid me. Spritual lessons have led me to conquer my own ego, my sexual and sensual desires, that led me into harmful places and relationships, blindness by bodily needs, desires beyond reason, and delusions of grandiousity and losses beyond my imagination. Spirit teaches me the humble Human Lessons I must learn, to allow the empathy and compassion I must have to understand Humanity. Spritual Guidance towards me gave me the solutions.

All life’s lessons I have learned have been spritually guided. The love, losses, and soul lessons I have learned all came by faith, confidence, and ‘Divine Guidence. Believe me when I say Spiritual Blessings are here for everyone, if we ask for and accept them.

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