

Jan 14 2025


Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. Here we are again at 1:24 AM. Strange hour but I was awoken by the wind tonight blowing against my windows. It is 8 degrees tonight in North Western Connectcut, one of the coldest nights of the year. I thank God for the heat of my home tonight. Bitter winds affect everyone in every climate either by bitter cold or brutal hurricanes or tornados or the poor people of California suffering the loss of thousands of homes to raging fires in wind storms. Florida suffered drastically last year by two devastating hurricanes. Regardless of where we live brutal and bitter winds will catch up to us. If not then all who escape are truly blessed. I grew up in a very cold climate on the Canadian border where winters were often well below zero and many days as low as 50 degrees below zero and schools remained open. I remember walking to school on days that cold then you had to live at least two miles away from school to qualify for bus tranportation. Mind you this was 60 years ago when the world was a harder place and expectations were unreasonable. Thanks to modern compassion schools are closed on deliriously cold days.

My message tonight is one of hope and compassion as I heard about young children being frost bitten in homeless shelters in Connecticut. How horrible for their desparate parents. The bitter winds and freezing temperatures of tonight and for the last month in Connecticut are causing great suffering for many. If I had millions of dollars I would set up a foundation for the homeless and do all I could to help but, I don’t have such wealth only the compassion to feel and pray for all in such desparate need. Dear friends remember the homeless tonight in your prayers that God will ease their suffering.

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