This is not a doomsday warning it is merely a declaration that I have finished the anticipation of my Twin Flame reunion. Yes, finally my foolish delusion of delerious love is coming to an end. I did not need psychiatric help to come to that conclusion. Given my advanced age and interests any further pursuit of an unwilling “Twin Flame” is a fools mission. I regret spending so much time and energy on this fool’s mission but I must concede that it has been entertaining and I made a loving friend. I hope my readers are not disappointed in my decision however, my Ascension Vision has expanded to a higher level of love and understanding. My spiritual awakening over the last several years has led me to a marvelous place where 5th Dimensional Reality has taken precident over my mind and soul. I wish all to believe that the future is ours to create but, chasing unrealistic dreams involving others is a fool’s mission and I Am no longer interested in playing a Fool.

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