

Nov 30 2024

1:17 AM

Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. Yesterday was an unusually long day. It is rare that a day drags on and on and time goes so slowly. Everything one does to be productive ends in short time and the remainder of the day rolls on. Ideas, plans and productivity seem illusive.

As I was driving into town today to do errands I saw a man in his late 40s or early 50s jogging down a main highway in shorts and a tea shirt, that would be normal under normal weather conditions but today the temperature never got above 40 degrees and it was windy and cold. I believe this poor soul had nothing better to do in the afternoon,and for some reason needed to beat himself up. Strange behaviors always surprise me especially self torture. I wondered what his motivation was to run breathlessly down a heavily traffiked road half naked on a very cold and windy afternoon. I assumed he might have just broken up from a love relationship, or suffered some distress, but to inflict pain on oneself publicly is a desparate sign for help. I didn’t mean to disturb my readers tonight with this story but I ask all to never beat oneself up over anything. It just isn’t worth it and I would advise anyone not to run half naked down a heavlly trafffiked avenue in very cold weather but to stay warm, dress according to the weather, and stay off heavily trafficked street where you might get hit, unless you are driving in your car. That is my suggestion and observation for this morning. Good night all and I wish your tomorrow be a happy day.

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