

Oct 21 2024


Everyday I pursue my dreams of a better life. Envisioning my own Ascension into the 5th Dimension allows me to see the future. What I envision will eventually manifest and my happiness will grow to immense proportions. Yes, i believe all will come as I expect it to. There are always setbacks but we must bypass them with faith and a positive attitude. I have survived near death illness, and accidents but, my faith and positivity have pulled me through to health and well being. To reach my current age with full mind and body means I have lived beyond the perverbial life span of three score and ten. I’m very grateful to all who got me here with their love, support and friendship. Many have passed away tragically but their wonderful memories remain forever in my heart with appreciation.

I was inspired to write this today as I realized how I will forge ahead in joy and peace of mind. Staying clear of all bad news in the media, having a good breakfast, spending time with my two cats who share their affections. Anyone who has a cat or two understands the bond we share with them and they with us. Everything we do each day we must do for our mental and physical well being. Keeping that in mind will get us through any difficulty we face during the day. Today is a beautiful Fall Day in the North West Corner in full Fall foliage. I will soon go for my daily walk and enjoy the afternoon as I manifest all the best I can, and loving my Twin Flame.

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