

Sep 17 2024


For 25 years I have been an internet and broadcast political critic on television and radio. I realized I had little effect on major outcomes but made many people angry. Truth is hard to take when you live a lie and believe in idiots as your political leaders, or news media insanity spewing lies and propaganda. I Am sick of politics especially the last few years. The Republican Party is diseased with lies and hatred, racism and incompetence, all led by a complete authoritiarian idiot. Once loyal party members and elected officials with integrity are leaving the Republican party and endorsing a Democrat for President. Kamala Harris is a refreshing change from tired, hate filled, and dementia riddled old men as elected officials.

Donald Trump has proven himself daily, that he is completely incompetent and incapable of leading the country. I predict he will be destroyed by his own stupidity and racism and all of his indictments, will put him in jail for the rest of his life. He said that he would run to Venezuela if he loses the election, where there is no extradition agreement with the U.S. If this is the kind of insane, criminal, and indicted rapist anyone is loyal to and want as their President, then I doubt if all Maga and Trump loyalists are sane. If there is another insurrection when Trump loses the election, then there will be a massive cleanup by military intervention with authority granted to the new President by the latest Supreme Court Presidential Immunity ruling. Ironically Kamala Harris once elected will have the Presidential Authority to arrest and imprison all Republican and MAGA insurrectionists.


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