Trump wants to pave over the Rose Garden one of America’s iconic treasures. In the Devil’s Garden he will sow seeds of hate, cruelty, suffering for millions of Americans. Trump is the Devil, everything he says and does proves his Satanic lineage. He’s a convicted thief, rapist, slanderer, and a complete and total fraud. In his paved over Rose Garden he offends all Americans and people around the world. His insanity speaks volumes to the world. His intentions of the annexation of Greenland and Canada, and the buying of Palestine to evict all Palestinians and create a vacation resort, and fire over half of the Federal work force proves Trump is completely evil and insane. How he got this far in life was from his father’s 400 million dollar inheritence and all the fraud, hatred and racist filth he has exhibited throughout his horrid career. Trump as President of the greatest democracy in the world is an abomination to all that is loved and holy, all that God has protected over the last 250 years. Trump is determined to destroy America and our reputation around the world by alienation of all or our allies and befriending our enemies, Russia, North Korea and every anti American country in the world. Trump is the Devil reincarnated to bring about the End Times. Once he is fully exposed he will be brought down and sent back to HELL by UPS special delivery.

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