

Sep 14 2024


I and millions of other people believe in Angels. I have seen them, spoken to them, been guided by them since I was a young child. Charlie was my best friend when I was very young until I was almost 11 years old. He was invisible to everyone but me. He guided me through all the childhood diseases of Mumps, Measles, Chicken Pox, colds, and flu. None lingered too long and I survived them all with the help of my best buddy Charlie.

As I grew into my teen years Charlie left me and I began to speak directly with God when one awful day when I was 17 my father insisted I take a summer Job in a Saw Mill in town. I fought with my father over taking the job since several of my friends had gotten hurt there and I refused to put myself in obvious danger. He insisted I work there or leave the house. I had little money and no where to go. I took the job and worked hard for a month until I accidently cut my hand on an uncovered saw blade. The pain was excruciating as I held my bleeding left hand with my right hand as I was rushed to the hospital by the owner without a bandage and bleeding in the truck. After the surgery the surgeon told lme I had 90 stitches and would be hospitalized for 2 weeks unless infection set in. It was after the operation when I awoke in my hospital room that I saw a lighted figure standing near me. I thought it was just light shining through the window until I saw a beautiful face, it was a woman. I felt I might be halucinating as I woke from the anesthetic. It was not a nurse, or attendant, but a spritual vision looking at me smiling. To this day I remember her. After she left my bedside the excruciating pain in my left hand seemed to lessen. I thought it may have been a painkiller, but it wasn’t. Shortly after she left my Doctor came in to see how I was and administered an injection of painkiller. He said the operation was a success and saved my thumb, but I would be impaired of full use of my thumb the rest of my life.

That day and years after this Angel vision would appear to me. In times of trouble, and grant me peace, understanding and guidance on the way to recovering. She revealed her name to me but I have never told anyone. This is the first time I have spoken about her since I first met her. There are Angels, who are with us to enlighten us and protect us from ourselves and others. They provide peace, rest, joy at seeing them and listening to their advice. I may sound strange to some, but many saints and wise men such as Socrates, prophets and saints, all have had Angels. Carl Jung lived through a major illness with the aid of an Angel and wrote about his experience. Mohammed was guided by Gabriel, Ezekiel was guided and protected by Angels, Christ believed in Angels. Emanuel Swedenborg a great mystic stated in his great works the existence of Angels, and different existing demensions where they abide, that he had witnessed in his meditations. I Am writing this to state the existence of Angels and that everyone in the world can use their help and should ask for it.

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