

Sep 04 2024


I was compelled to write this post from my understanding addictions.and to advise my readers everyone is prone to addictions. Addictions are well seen in animals as well. My cats are addicted to their timely treats and wake up calls, and any cat owner knows they are addicted to affection. I Am reluctant to admit it but i have had and quit several addictions. I proudly quit smoking ciggarettes over ten years ago. I still have a few addictions but keep them in moderation or I have permanently quit. The joy of the buzz is difficult to let go of. Thankfully I Am blessed with a tollerant constitution, whereby I have survived through the years with addictions without ruining my life or relationships, or health without needing Rehab, by maintaining reasonably healthy standards.

Understanding and justifying some addictions we have is #1 is it killing us? #2 is it killing someone else? #3 If you could would you quit the cause of your addiction? #4 Do you need your addiction to get through the day or does it enhance your concentration and decrease any physical pain from injury or disease? # 5 Gaining weight and realizing we eat too much constantly due to addictions to sugar, fatty meats, bread, sugary drinks, beer, cocktails, elaborate deserts and all fried and fast foods.

Advice from a man with addictions who keeps them under control, moderates them or has quit them. We all have addictions, some are private and others are public as they show signs of physical neglect or public drunkeness , incoherent speech and slovenliness. Spirituality is a great healer for all addicts. Recognizing and enhancing the spirit of our Creator within us grants us wise counsel and guidence, to lead us to the center of our soul and recognize who we are and who we wish to become. In a pure joyous awakening we become one with ourselves and one with the Universe.

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