

Dec 14 2023


As a Twin Flame I am in a state of never ending love for my Divine Feminine but, it can be a physically stagnant state when much resistance is in place against us. Third parties can be involved or just the apparent reluctance of my Twin Flame to jump into an open affair or create an emotional disruption of lives with no guarantees of our wonderful life together. Twin Flames are unique to all relationships, they are meant to meet each other at some point in their incarnations, but only the truly brave, bold and committed will ever come together. It is difficult to understand why we were ever divinely separated to begin with in some past life. Divine Timing and guidance are understood in Twin Flame Relationships but, the mortal reunion of Twin Flames cannot wait forever in this physical life, and understanding the Divine reason for the separation of Twin Flames is only complicated by frustration, fear, and physical distance.

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