

Oct 25 2024


“Misogyny is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It can also include an aversion to women, bias against women or a belief that men are better than women.” Google reference.

MAGA is not Make America Great Again, Trump followers think it means Men Against Girls and Women or MAGAW. I can’t understand how Men and Women support Trump who continually downgrades women. He’s been convicted of rape, has been best buddies with child sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein. He’s had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels while his wife Melenia gave birth to her first child. Trump is absolutly disgusting towards all Humanity however, his greatest insult to all women is his taking away their Reproductive Freedoms by proudly banning Roe vs Wade. This is hatred for women and worse are the MAGA women who obviously by supporting Trump hate themselves. His vile and demeaning insults and threats agains Kamala Harris are hidious and slanderist How beaten down are these women by their husbands or boyfriends and families to have no say in their own rights to be treated as equals with men?

Domestic violence is on the rise in this country. Violence against women has become a major social issue as millions of women are either beaten, held captive, or murdered, and their children are threatened. MAGA is a mindless and racist excuse for the demeaning of women and why so many men and women are frightened by a Black Woman President, as the most powerful person in the country. Women have had to fight misogyny in their work places, governments, schools, and their own families. How can so many women allow themselves to vote for a women hater like Trump over a brilliant and professional, well experienced woman, who is now Vice President, and soon to be President. I early voted yesterday and I proudly voted for Kamala Harris and I will argue and win any argument with a MAGAW BELIEVER.

L.A.Steel 2024

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