

Oct 15 2024

1:40 AM

Welcome my After MIdnight Friends. Another restless night for all of us but we are most resilient to sleeplessness by now. I know I will settle down whenever I can. I was awakened by my eldest cat crying to me to fill her water dish, she had water but it wasn’t enough for her high standard.

I Am reluctant to delve into thoughts of the poltiical nightmare the Trump presidential candidacy has plunged thls country and the world into. His Hitlerlan diatribes of racial slurs and authoritarian threats of dictatorship has exposed his insanity to almost everyone except, his mindless MAGA followers and ruthlless, greed and power driven present Republican Party. If truly half of the voting population in the U.S is honestly considering voting for Trump, then I believe we can expect a violent revolution from his followers if he loses, and a dictitorial takeover of government if he wins and we can expect a total clash and revolt by the Moderate and Liberal Americans who will not stand for Trump’s forwarned dictatorship. With less than three weeks to the 2024 elections I believe their are many Americans having troubling thoughts of the results. All we can do is vote our conscience, and with enough prayers and faith in God by good men and women America and the World will be free of all insane tyrants, and greed driven moguls set on destroying America and the world.

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