Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. An odd hour to sit down and write but that is how my night is. I watched and incredible movie on Tubi tonight and it inspired me to sit and write this post. It always amazes me how someone’s genius affects someone elses thoughts and life. Looking at the amazing infrastructure around the planet all by Mankind’s Design demands an awakening of all the natural and human brilliance that surrounds us.
I respect everyman’s and animal’s intelligence however, I most greatly respect the intelligence of so many of our scientists, philosophers, professors, Doctors, lawyers, business leaders, men and women of great influence as artists, writers, designers, professors, film makers, musicians and even Presidents. I respect them because I have not achieved such greatness in my life, and admire all who have, also I give great tribute to the inventors of the internet, Google, Micro Soft etc. Their genius has paved the way of future generations to communcate and articulate all they are or wish to be. Good night my friends it’s 4:OO as I end this message.
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