Dear Divine Feminine,
As your Twin Flame I am in constant search of your soul, since it is mine as well. Twin Flame Love and Connection are often confused by the onset of Twin Flame knowledge spreading world wide. Each individual in a Twin Flame relationship knows themselves, as who they have become in their lives and who they wish to be in their future. Experts in Twin Flame relationships recognize the mirroring effect of our connection. We are one soul reincarnated into two separate human beings. That is why when we first met we came into deep eye and soul contact. I remember well the first time I met you. I believe you remember that time as well. The remarkable eternal moment of our first meeting, your eyes sparkled and smile radiated into me.
Twin Flame relationships are created by Divine Guidence as Twin Flames once reunited become one overwhelming force reunited to create a great vision. I believe that is why we are being brought together as we understand and share the same world vision, and our combined mission and purpose is to spread Ascension Consiousness to a world audience, which is what we are doing now, and will expand in the future.
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