

Apr 07 2023


I could never understand why Christians think Good Friday is Good. It is the symbolic day of the horrible, excruciating, Crucifixion and death of their prophet. This is no reason to celebrate. The Death of Christ should not be celebrated with bank holidays and flowered church altars with hanging statues and statuettes of a brutally murdered man, prophet, or savior. This is so typical of the lack of spirituality in mass religions. To worship death and despair, grief and the voluntary hellish deaths of prophets is pure insanity.

Christ’s disciples were brutally murdered, beheaded, crucified, and hung in public executions. The traditional Easter week celebrates the death of martyrs. There is no biblical mention of any physical Ressurection of anyone but Christ. I believe in the mercy and love of The God Head as the creator of the Universe, not the murderer of his son and prophets for his own glorification. This is not the depiction of a kind and good God Head, it is a man-made, political, false belief of the oppressive and deceptive theft of power and money by governments and Christian churches over the concepts of spiritual immortality and Good. Their glorification and mass depiction of the death and destruction of those individuals, who denied the power of empire to spread a loving and compassionate message of God’s words, the most powerful, loving energy in the Universe. I seek immortality through Ascension, not death by murder or suicide. Once true Spirituality is understood as the inner self-understanding of Human compassion and love, and the inner knowledge that we were created by the Creator, and he has created man and all creation with his great spirit within us. It is our task in life to accept His spirit as alive in us that allows us to Ascend.

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