

Apr 03 2023


I have mentioned the Fool card in the Tarot deck before and I may again but I am now at a point in time when I must face the Fool and take the leap that may elevate me to great astral heights of spiritual understanding or plunge me down infinite depths of spiritual misunderstanding. I read recently a column relating to spiritual narcissism and it concerned me because I have been deceived by several over many years. There were the televangelists of the 1980s and 1990s who spoke to large audiences and fell on the swords of their own hypocrisy destroying their lives and careers and the faith of many of their followers.

I am about to jump off the Bridge to Spirituality, which leads to all established religions, with brutal histories of death and persecution and wars against non-believers, religions infiltrated by political intrigue, and the petty desire for material wealth. This bridge has become greatly weakened over time as all highly trafficked bridges and roadways are. I will keep my audience informed if possible where I land, either I leap forward faithfully somewhere closer to the “God Head” or I spiritually crash and burn.

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