

Jan 11 2025


Welcome my After Midnight Friends. In the lost light of day darkness invades our lives and confusion sets into our reality from our temporary blindness. I feel I have been blind to long to so many things I still do not understand. Relationships, dark sides of so many things that evade me, the intensions of others and my own. God gave us night to understand ourselves and the two sides to our lives. I have always been intrigued by night and the insights into my soul it often reflects. We all have a darkside that we seldom fully understand but, certain pleasures arise after the sun fully sets and rest and sleep are two. Darkness brings on artificial light and our interest in certain pleasures unavailable to us during the day. I welcome the beauty of the sunset and the full moon. I understand what dualism of my soul means and respect its awesome wisdom. Be well my friends and fear not the darkness for it can be true insight into the fullfillment of our soul.

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