I got in a car crash Saturday. I’m grateful I wasn’t badly hurt, I just bruised my knee. The other driver was drivng too fast and ran into me. She is ok but our vehilcles are beat up and were towed away. I was shook up for a few hours and settled down when I got home. I made dinner, had a drink, and thanked God I was alive and mending. I read this morning that yesterday was a bad day for car accidents in Connecticut. Four people died on an interstate in a wrong way crash. A nine car pile up happened on another highway. A tractor trailer truck tipped over on another major highway. If I add my accident of yesterday afternoon to the total and to those that weren’t reported yet it was a very bad day for car crashes. My knee feels better and I’m chilling with my two happy cats this sunny Sunday afternoon. Yesterday was a bad day, but I’m getting over it.

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