Twin Flames do exist I know because I Am one. My Divine Feminine I know well and have for a while. Their are false teachers on the internet and elsewhere who deny the Twin Flame Connection or misinterpret it spritually and physically, because they are either desparately lonely or have been through bad relationships and breakups or are spritually bankrupt. I fully understand where they come from and where they are going if they lose all hope of finding the truest love, and want to depress and disallusion others to feel as they do. A rare 1% of couples are Twin Flames. The great Love is real for all who have or will experiance it . There is no other feeling in the world like that between Twin Flames. If it happens to someone there is nothing else that explains the mental, emotional, intuitive or telepathic communcations between Twin Flames, or the 5th Dimenional reality and vision of Ascension they share.
As odd as it sounds to the casual reader or someone involved in a casual relationship, unless they have been possessed both spritually and mentally almost immediately at their first meeting together, then they are not experiencing a Twin Flame Connection. It is a mirrored soul connection so strong it cannot be denied, though many will try to deny it depending on their lifes’ situation. I ask my readers to disregard all negative Twin Flame content on the internet or elsewhere, because Twin Flames are real and those who are know it. Trust in one who is and knows the reality of Divine Timing and Divine Intervention, and has undergone the Spritual Awakening associated with our soul connection, and awaits with all love and patience for our ultimate reunion.
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