

Jan 19 2025


Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. Tonight I was woken by memories of several loved ones who have passed on. They spoke to me in an awakened dream. My advancing age makes me think more of everyone who has passed over. All family and friends and lovers whose bonds were so close to me. Tonight in my dream they all passed before me almost as if they were preparing me for the inevitable. No, I Am not depressed or delusional and I feel well. I Am simply realistic and yet saddened by the rememberance of so many who have passed over.

I don’t wish to be depressing I feel inspired tonight from the visitations. All of us have them some of us try to ignore them and others consider them as blessings. I Am grateful that some of my old friends still contact me with encouragment that their death was only their rebirth. I believe from their pass over testimony that life after death is nothing to fear if we lived our life the best we can and open our hearts , minds and souls to the inevitable, that we are alive for a reason and that reason will be remembered by all who remember us. Good Night and rest well my friends and know that death is not the end but only another beginning of our soul’s remarkable journey.

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