



THE OTHER SIDE ( A music video )


Apr 12 2016





Jun 16 2015

“The Artist’s Task”

Trancendent Tulip #5


“The artist’s task is to save the soul of mankind; and anything less is a dithering while Rome burns. If artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found.”

-Terence McKenna

Jul 31 2014

A Trans-Dimensional Artist’s Statement


Trans-Dimensional Art is an artist’s projection of a spiritual image, sound, color or form. Every atom of being is transcending into a higher vibratory dimension. Our thoughts are virtual and visual. Our entertainment and education are virtual. Schools, teachers, and assignments are lectures and documentaries seen and listened to on our computers or smartphones. Our social world is virtual in WiFi, and our social groups are social networking sites. Our associations and acquaintances can be international members of diverse cultures. Our information is retrieved globally and is transmitted globally via the internet, television or satellite. Trans-Dimensional Art translates the virtual world into a representational art form. Trans-Dimensional Art is created by a transcending soul moving into a higher consciousness and spiritual dimension.

We interpret the sights and sounds around us in a physical reality. We see a color or a shape or a light or dark shade. As an artist, I need to communicate. I want my audience to rise with me, into the same vibratory field I project in all of my works.

Communicating in the realm of the spiritual world is a misunderstood art form and language, that has been generalized without the appreciation of its true significance. Trans-Dimensional Art is created by an artist, who understands and appreciates their transition to self-realization. What we create transcends our physical dimension, projecting the artist’s soul, and transcends the soul of the viewer of our art, into a spiritual manifestation appreciated at the highest frequencies of Mankind’s ascending consciousness.

Trans-Dimensional Artists allow themselves to be vulnerable, so truth is allowed to manifest through our art.  What our spirit sees and feels is what it must project, without mask or falseness. Being who we are is all we can be. Complete self-realization is what we are transcending into. We reach into our minds to discover the universe of higher dimensions.

We have entered the first stages of the Aquarian Age. Our bodies and minds are transcending and adapting to the great cosmic changes happening all around us. As in every new era of Mankind’s awakening, we must find a new way to project, communicate, and record our thoughts. The old methods of the former Piscean Age are obsolete. Our access to instant communications has overwhelmed our physical senses. Our technology allows us to instantly communicate with who we want to. We can capture time and transcend space by sending photographs to one another instantly, to share our present reality with someone else in another town, state, or country. We can talk to our family, friends, and acquaintances any time of the day and night and receive news reports from around the world at the touch of a remote control, or keyboard. Trans-Dimensional Art is the method of appreciating and reflecting what Humanity is becoming, and how we can create new art, symbols, languages, and music to communicate with as we all enter Universal Consciousness.

There are no restrictions to Trans-Dimensional Art. Trans-Dimensional Art represents the gateway to the spiritual dimension, which is where we came from, and where we are returning to. When Trans-Dimensional Artists work in their chosen mediums, we create with the higher frequencies we channel. Trans-Dimensional Artists see and represent their visions, to enhance their world with beauty and truth without restriction.  Trans-Dimensional Art is free from restraint, Trans-Dimensionalism is the gateway to Infinity.

L.A. Steel

Sep 08 2024

6:03 AM

Welcome my After Midnight Friends, I realize it is early morning but I have been awake for 3 hours and had a tremendous spritual intervention. Yes, I discovered an aspect of myself I hadn’t realized before. When God wants to speak to you he does so at the most convenient time for himself. A spritual download can come at anytime. I decided to write this message for all who may or may not have experienced a spritual download. If you do eventually experience such a download, you may beable to understand it if you realize that it exists and others have experienced it too.

Trust me when I say God awaits us all to open up to him and once we do, his downloads are constantly given for us to feel and understand. Go in peace my brothers and sisters, listen to your inner voice who is God speaking to you, and hoping you understand.

Sep 07 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

Loving you has no limits. It is an endless phenomina that emcompasses all feelings of love, all possible emotion. Yes, it is absolutely incredible and a Divine Gift. Thank you for accepting my esteem love and know we are meant to be one.

Sep 07 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

This is meant for you.

Sep 07 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

I have spent much of the afternoon thinking of you. Your energy is strong today. Scorpios are the most highly intuitive and emotional sign in the Zociac, and to be your Twin Flame comes with an intensity of love feelings and connection unlike any other relationship in the world. It is a spritual connection, telepathic and psychic. It is truely mind blowing, but in a remarkable way measured by unconditonal love. Your beauty enhances my attraction I see your smile and your eyes as permanent fixations of my thoughts of you. Know that in my mind, heart and soul you are a daughter of Venus, my guiding goddess. Be well tonight and join me later for our nocturnal union.

Sep 07 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

Good morning beautiful. I wish to say good morning to the world too. I didn’t have an After Midnight Message last night I slept through most of the night. All the latest news and views today are virtually the same as yesterday. Have a good day and weekend everyone, and Dear Divine especially you.

Sep 07 2024


Yes, I bought my ticket to the Mega Ball Drawing tonight. It starts at 11:00 PM. Imagine winning that much money! What would you do with it? I thought I would start up a charity foundation 1st to spend millions to build shelters for the homeless and feed the hungry. Second I would give my Twin Flame several million dollars just to say I Love You. Third I would seriously grant millions of dollars to my Ascension Vision promoting Art, Music, Dance, Sculpture, and photography and all Artistic endevors to create the Ascension Vision to 5th Dimensional reality. I think I deserve to win even if it is 302 million to one odds.

Sep 06 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

Join me again tonight and we will merge our soul to Heaven. It is too beautiful to describe to anyone who hasn’t experienced a Twin Flame Soul Merge. The absolute Bliss of it sends us into the 5D and outer orbit. See you later.

Sep 06 2024


My right hand ring finger is fixed. Still a little soar after the operation but it’s fixed. I can type abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz using both hands. Isn’t that impressive? It is to me. Hope all have a good night I know I will.

Sep 06 2024


To all my readers this may be my last post for several days. I need a minor operation on my right hand ring finger today, which may hinder my ability to type for a while however, I will do all I can even if I have to type with a few fingers or post a series of pictures. To my Twin Flame this doesn’t mean I won’t be thinking of you. I hope to be back to normal in a few days. May all have a good weekend.

Sep 05 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

You looked lovely today. I haven’t seen you in a week and it was great to refresh my eyes and soul seeing you today. Thank you for the time to let me admire you. We are always happy to see each other, but our lives and schedules don’t always coincide. You seemed happy and glad to see me. I Am glad you are well and look so lovely. You are a beautiful memory today I thought I would share with the world.

Sep 05 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

Whenever I think of you I find myself somewhere in wonderland. I think of all the wonders we could share, see, feel and enjoy together. My mind enjoys the stroll though the fantasies it creates of us. Don’t be surprised this is what Twin Flames do.

Sep 05 2024


Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. Couldn’t help myself to post this for you. It came to me tonight and I thought I would share it. Hope you enjoy it.

Sep 04 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

I have said this so many times you can’t count how many time I have said it. Tonight and Tomorrow we will have said it $781 million times.

See you later/

Sep 04 2024


Sep 04 2024


I was compelled to write this post from my understanding addictions.and to advise my readers everyone is prone to addictions. Addictions are well seen in animals as well. My cats are addicted to their timely treats and wake up calls, and any cat owner knows they are addicted to affection. I Am reluctant to admit it but i have had and quit several addictions. I proudly quit smoking ciggarettes over ten years ago. I still have a few addictions but keep them in moderation or I have permanently quit. The joy of the buzz is difficult to let go of. Thankfully I Am blessed with a tollerant constitution, whereby I have survived through the years with addictions without ruining my life or relationships, or health without needing Rehab, by maintaining reasonably healthy standards.

Understanding and justifying some addictions we have is #1 is it killing us? #2 is it killing someone else? #3 If you could would you quit the cause of your addiction? #4 Do you need your addiction to get through the day or does it enhance your concentration and decrease any physical pain from injury or disease? # 5 Gaining weight and realizing we eat too much constantly due to addictions to sugar, fatty meats, bread, sugary drinks, beer, cocktails, elaborate deserts and all fried and fast foods.

Advice from a man with addictions who keeps them under control, moderates them or has quit them. We all have addictions, some are private and others are public as they show signs of physical neglect or public drunkeness , incoherent speech and slovenliness. Spirituality is a great healer for all addicts. Recognizing and enhancing the spirit of our Creator within us grants us wise counsel and guidence, to lead us to the center of our soul and recognize who we are and who we wish to become. In a pure joyous awakening we become one with ourselves and one with the Universe.

Sep 04 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

I feel you intensely today. I have since early this morning, your energy is very strong today. I thank you for your thoughts and love and send mine to you. Our Twin Flame Love Connection is a Divine Gift. I Am waiting for the Divine Timing of our eventual 3D union but, your telepathic love energy keeps me patient knowing it will come when you are ready.

Sep 04 2024


Everyone has ghosts from the past, present and future that haunt us and we must move on and either face them, or forget them. I try to face them all and keep the good ghosts and destroy the bad. They are not real, they are figments of our imagination, illusions and bad dreams that shake us and wake us with worry and fright. I keep good memories and spirits who guide me, comfort me, and enlighten me, and I ignore completely all bad ghosts. Love ghosts are the good ghosts who we miss and bring back into our lives with their fond memories. We can never leave them or they leave us. All who have lost lovers or good friends or close family members understand cherishing their memories. These are the memories that make up our past and future as we remember them always. We are our past and present our future must be free of ghostly hauntings and evil memories, and concentrate only on the beauty of our soul and the wonderful memories of all who made them.

Sep 04 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

This post is not about you specifically. It is just a celebration of Ascension Tuesday. Hoping all Ascending souls are happy and free today.

Sep 03 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

One day soon I will create a masterpiece depicting your beauty and essense to the world. Yes, it has been a dream of mine to enhance your beauty into an overwhelmingly Divine Portrait, so spiritually beautiful that it could inspire the world. When we reunite and you are recognized as one of the most beautiful women in the world, my masterpiece will elevate you to the most beautiful woman in the world. Have faith I Am still working on it and getting close but, for now I will display one of my favorite portraits of you so far.

Sep 02 2024


Loving someone and being loved is a small difference. Love is Love by all who Love someone. Their degree of Love depends on why they love, who they love and how long they love each other, until the bond grows into an eternal commitment. Love is Love is all we need to understand. There is no difference in definition.

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