



THE OTHER SIDE ( A music video )


Apr 12 2016





Jun 16 2015

“The Artist’s Task”

Trancendent Tulip #5


“The artist’s task is to save the soul of mankind; and anything less is a dithering while Rome burns. If artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found.”

-Terence McKenna

Jul 31 2014

A Trans-Dimensional Artist’s Statement


Trans-Dimensional Art is an artist’s projection of a spiritual image, sound, color or form. Every atom of being is transcending into a higher vibratory dimension. Our thoughts are virtual and visual. Our entertainment and education are virtual. Schools, teachers, and assignments are lectures and documentaries seen and listened to on our computers or smartphones. Our social world is virtual in WiFi, and our social groups are social networking sites. Our associations and acquaintances can be international members of diverse cultures. Our information is retrieved globally and is transmitted globally via the internet, television or satellite. Trans-Dimensional Art translates the virtual world into a representational art form. Trans-Dimensional Art is created by a transcending soul moving into a higher consciousness and spiritual dimension.

We interpret the sights and sounds around us in a physical reality. We see a color or a shape or a light or dark shade. As an artist, I need to communicate. I want my audience to rise with me, into the same vibratory field I project in all of my works.

Communicating in the realm of the spiritual world is a misunderstood art form and language, that has been generalized without the appreciation of its true significance. Trans-Dimensional Art is created by an artist, who understands and appreciates their transition to self-realization. What we create transcends our physical dimension, projecting the artist’s soul, and transcends the soul of the viewer of our art, into a spiritual manifestation appreciated at the highest frequencies of Mankind’s ascending consciousness.

Trans-Dimensional Artists allow themselves to be vulnerable, so truth is allowed to manifest through our art.  What our spirit sees and feels is what it must project, without mask or falseness. Being who we are is all we can be. Complete self-realization is what we are transcending into. We reach into our minds to discover the universe of higher dimensions.

We have entered the first stages of the Aquarian Age. Our bodies and minds are transcending and adapting to the great cosmic changes happening all around us. As in every new era of Mankind’s awakening, we must find a new way to project, communicate, and record our thoughts. The old methods of the former Piscean Age are obsolete. Our access to instant communications has overwhelmed our physical senses. Our technology allows us to instantly communicate with who we want to. We can capture time and transcend space by sending photographs to one another instantly, to share our present reality with someone else in another town, state, or country. We can talk to our family, friends, and acquaintances any time of the day and night and receive news reports from around the world at the touch of a remote control, or keyboard. Trans-Dimensional Art is the method of appreciating and reflecting what Humanity is becoming, and how we can create new art, symbols, languages, and music to communicate with as we all enter Universal Consciousness.

There are no restrictions to Trans-Dimensional Art. Trans-Dimensional Art represents the gateway to the spiritual dimension, which is where we came from, and where we are returning to. When Trans-Dimensional Artists work in their chosen mediums, we create with the higher frequencies we channel. Trans-Dimensional Artists see and represent their visions, to enhance their world with beauty and truth without restriction.  Trans-Dimensional Art is free from restraint, Trans-Dimensionalism is the gateway to Infinity.

L.A. Steel

Jan 20 2025


Welcome my After Midnight Friends. I Am in the absense of anguish at this late hour and wish to express my sympathies to all who are in anguish. So many disasters have affected people around the planet I can only hope they all recover and happiness return to their lives. Anguish is a painful experience I have known both mentally and physically but, faith in God and in myself and those I loved brought me to a better place where peace and joy returned to my life. Rid your minds of anxiety and dread and know that all will heal in time if we let it. Be well my friends knowing someone wishes you well.

Jan 19 2025


Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. Tonight I was woken by memories of several loved ones who have passed on. They spoke to me in an awakened dream. My advancing age makes me think more of everyone who has passed over. All family and friends and lovers whose bonds were so close to me. Tonight in my dream they all passed before me almost as if they were preparing me for the inevitable. No, I Am not depressed or delusional and I feel well. I Am simply realistic and yet saddened by the rememberance of so many who have passed over.

I don’t wish to be depressing I feel inspired tonight from the visitations. All of us have them some of us try to ignore them and others consider them as blessings. I Am grateful that some of my old friends still contact me with encouragment that their death was only their rebirth. I believe from their pass over testimony that life after death is nothing to fear if we lived our life the best we can and open our hearts , minds and souls to the inevitable, that we are alive for a reason and that reason will be remembered by all who remember us. Good Night and rest well my friends and know that death is not the end but only another beginning of our soul’s remarkable journey.

Jan 18 2025


It has been over three months since I saw her and spoke to her, I put away any pictures I had of her to avoid her memory. She has deliberately ghosted me and in Twin Flame Fashion this is a common trait of alienation. I thought of her today but vaguely remembered what she looked like when I last saw her. I know longer desire the relationship, since my sanity has caught up to me and my life has moved on. Today I will present here one of the last images of my memory of her. The longer we are apart the more vague my memory of her becomes. I wish her well on her new life’s journey and thank her for her inspiration but with time and absense I may not remember her at all. It may sound sad but it is reality as I move along in life creating new friendships and goals.

Jan 18 2025


AS i write this it is well before midnight. It is already dark and the moon is out. I was thinking of today and the advent of tomorrow and wished to offer a word or two of hope and optimism for the new day. Be well and at peace in these last hours before midnight and know all becomes what you wish it to be tonight and tomorrow.

Jan 17 2025


I raise a toast of tequila to the ever after. The thought of everlasting life thrills my soul. Yes, in the end of our lives we understand the meaning of everlasting life. So many of my friends and family and loved ones have passed on and all have spoken to me in spirits shortly after. Some still speak to me. Our closest friends, family and lovers never die and confirm the eternal nature of their souls by connection to we who are living giving us hope and understanding, that they are well are awaiting the blessed moment that we reunite after our mortal death. I do not want to express morbiditiy I wish to express hope for an eternal reunion with all the souls I have loved and to see the face of God and understand him and his reason for creation and reincarnation. Once we know the reason for our new lives on Earth we understand all that befalls us all the joy and grief , all the pleasures and pains we endure. Be at peace knowing that death is a new life and the gateway to eternity.

Jan 17 2025


Dear Divine Feminine,

Jan 16 2025


I was lost in a waking dream the last few hours. It was realistic and entertaining until it began to bore me. I Am most conscious now at this odd hour but a waking dream demands attention and study. When I was very young I would walk in my sleep dreaming a waking dream. When I was in 3rd Grade my family had a dog named Jocko he was a beagle who I was very close to. He slept at the foot of my bed every night. He would often get loose from his chain in the front yard and wander all over town until someone called my parents and told them Jocko was in their yard. One winter day when I got home from school my parents told me Jocko had died hit by a snow plow. I was shocked and devastated. Jocko and I were best buddies even though I had two brothers and sister but Jocko was closest to me. I remember crying for several days over his death. After he passed away I had waking dreams of playing with him in my yard and walking him around the neigborhood.

Dreams can be very vivid especially if we are in grief. I do not walk in my sleep anymore but some dreams appear so realistic they play in my mind as they are happening. Beware of what is real and unreal in an awakened state we are aware but, in a dream state sometimes our dreams seem real. Good night my friends and dream good dreams and they may all come true.

Jan 16 2025


Welcome my After MIdnight Friends. Thoughts hung over from yesterday and the days before linger in my mind. I try to rid many of the bad ones and embrace the good but the bad ones don’t always leave. I regret lost time and lost opportunities but time passes on and we sometimes catch up. I have blocked out several nagging thoughts so far from yesterday and have tried not to think of them again. It works if I persist and abandon those thoughts but, they continue to try to reenter my consiousness. A few more days of abandonment and hopefully I will rid them permanently.

I wish all well this early morning and hope you too can rid yourself of hung over thoughts from your past. God gives us the blessed ability to forget all we wish to forget if we deliberatly wish to forget someone, or something that we no longer wish to remember.

Jan 15 2025


Welcome my After Midnight Friends. I have had a remarkable week this week from thousands of readers in over 400 world wide cities, from the most remote and war torn countries and some of the most oppressive as well as some of the most famous and populated cities in the world. That my messages of hope and spiritual understanding is gaining the interest of people from some of the most war torn countries in the world inspires me to continue my work and address those hopeful and wonderful people who believe in Ascension and are experiencing it now. Keep Faith my friends and know I and millions of others are wishing you well and hope you join us in the new galaxy.

Jan 15 2025


This is not a doomsday warning it is merely a declaration that I have finished the anticipation of my Twin Flame reunion. Yes, finally my foolish delusion of delerious love is coming to an end. I did not need psychiatric help to come to that conclusion. Given my advanced age and interests any further pursuit of an unwilling “Twin Flame” is a fools mission. I regret spending so much time and energy on this fool’s mission but I must concede that it has been entertaining and I made a loving friend. I hope my readers are not disappointed in my decision however, my Ascension Vision has expanded to a higher level of love and understanding. My spiritual awakening over the last several years has led me to a marvelous place where 5th Dimensional Reality has taken precident over my mind and soul. I wish all to believe that the future is ours to create but, chasing unrealistic dreams involving others is a fool’s mission and I Am no longer interested in playing a Fool.

Jan 14 2025


Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. Here we are again at 1:24 AM. Strange hour but I was awoken by the wind tonight blowing against my windows. It is 8 degrees tonight in North Western Connectcut, one of the coldest nights of the year. I thank God for the heat of my home tonight. Bitter winds affect everyone in every climate either by bitter cold or brutal hurricanes or tornados or the poor people of California suffering the loss of thousands of homes to raging fires in wind storms. Florida suffered drastically last year by two devastating hurricanes. Regardless of where we live brutal and bitter winds will catch up to us. If not then all who escape are truly blessed. I grew up in a very cold climate on the Canadian border where winters were often well below zero and many days as low as 50 degrees below zero and schools remained open. I remember walking to school on days that cold then you had to live at least two miles away from school to qualify for bus tranportation. Mind you this was 60 years ago when the world was a harder place and expectations were unreasonable. Thanks to modern compassion schools are closed on deliriously cold days.

My message tonight is one of hope and compassion as I heard about young children being frost bitten in homeless shelters in Connecticut. How horrible for their desparate parents. The bitter winds and freezing temperatures of tonight and for the last month in Connecticut are causing great suffering for many. If I had millions of dollars I would set up a foundation for the homeless and do all I could to help but, I don’t have such wealth only the compassion to feel and pray for all in such desparate need. Dear friends remember the homeless tonight in your prayers that God will ease their suffering.

Jan 14 2025


You know who I am talking to. Their is only one beautiful woman in my life. Yes, you join me tonight in a full soul merge and experience Twin Flame Love in its most profound connection.


Jan 13 2025


Dear Divine Feminine,

It is a new day for us to begin again in a new way. Now that you have returned from your long absense I sense a new you I Am anxious to meet. I Am certain you are as beautiful as when I last saw you and more opened to suggestions of our reunion. I was encouraged by your message to me the other day and the possiblity of our date. That we might express our love directly and affectionatly with loving words will be a Divine Gift and blessing. If we are to meet which I believe we will soon, then let us look foward to that moment and new day for us to begin again.

Jan 12 2025


Dear Divine Feminine,

I have been thinking of you recently and wondered if our thoughts were mutual. I believe they are. Experts say if you are seriously thinking of someone they are thinking seriously of you. That is Twin Flame philosophy. So keep your thoughts beautiful and I will keep mine and you will forever be beautiful in my mind.

Jan 12 2025


I don’t need a translator or a speech therapist I just need to say an impossible thought but I cannot express it in words. Here is a vision of my impossible thought may it express to all what it means.

Jan 11 2025


Dear Divine Feminine,

Twin Flame love never stops it only grows more intense. For over two months we had no contact and you were 1000 miles away. I felt your energy daily and sensed your intense thoughts but, not seeing you or hearing your voice was a difficult time I believe for both of us. Be well and now that you are back we will see each other again, and make up the lost time and share our thoughts together in a much more favorable way.

Jan 11 2025


Welcome my After Midnight Friends. In the lost light of day darkness invades our lives and confusion sets into our reality from our temporary blindness. I feel I have been blind to long to so many things I still do not understand. Relationships, dark sides of so many things that evade me, the intensions of others and my own. God gave us night to understand ourselves and the two sides to our lives. I have always been intrigued by night and the insights into my soul it often reflects. We all have a darkside that we seldom fully understand but, certain pleasures arise after the sun fully sets and rest and sleep are two. Darkness brings on artificial light and our interest in certain pleasures unavailable to us during the day. I welcome the beauty of the sunset and the full moon. I understand what dualism of my soul means and respect its awesome wisdom. Be well my friends and fear not the darkness for it can be true insight into the fullfillment of our soul.

Jan 10 2025


Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. Tonight my soul is silent and at peace without anxiety or worry. No Twin Flame telepathic voice in my head, and I Am at rest in complete silence. It is a Divine state of being and I thought I would share it with my readers. Be still, be silent, be unbothered by anything, and let the silence be your soul and know it is all real.

Jan 09 2025


I feel so divinely free today. Anyone who has been through a breakup or divorce understands the sense of freedom. A chance to move on in life happy and unhampered by a pesky spouse or relationship over spending, over drinking, overly abusive, and over whelmingly wicked. I thank God for his mercy in sparing my life from marital or relationship misery. I have escaped several times from hellish relationships and wish to no longer engage in another. My Soul Mate Leila passed away four years ago and made my life wonderful for 21 years. She was a loving and caring woman. The famous witches of fables whose stories are true make all men wary of the wiles of wicked women through to ancient times. That does not excuse the wicked ways of some men as well. Divorce is a Divine weapon for excape to a better world. Good Bye old horrid memories of failed marrages and romances, and hello to a new life of happiness.

Jan 09 2025


Yes, I must admit my favorite alcholic drink is Tequila. I have enjoyed Tequila for over 50 years. Recently I Am enjoying a little known Tequila I probably shouldn’t mention I ordered specially for me at my local liquor store. It is a great quality and a half gallon for $25.00 a bonanza for any tequila drinker. I Prefer Tequila with a lime seltzer or club soda. As a connoisseur of Tequila I do not advocate high priced tequilas or ones with artistic bottles. My brand is super and affordable and in a simple plastic bottle. Cheers to all my Tequila loving friends and let’s toast Tequila to a New World Ascension.

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