Jan 10 2025


Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. Tonight my soul is silent and at peace without anxiety or worry. No Twin Flame telepathic voice in my head, and I Am at rest in complete silence. It is a Divine state of being and I thought I would share it with my readers. Be still, be silent, be unbothered by anything, and let the silence be your soul and know it is all real.

Jan 09 2025


I feel so divinely free today. Anyone who has been through a breakup or divorce understands the sense of freedom. A chance to move on in life happy and unhampered by a pesky spouse or relationship over spending, over drinking, overly abusive, and over whelmingly wicked. I thank God for his mercy in sparing my life from marital or relationship misery. I have escaped several times from hellish relationships and wish to no longer engage in another. My Soul Mate Leila passed away four years ago and made my life wonderful for 21 years. She was a loving and caring woman. The famous witches of fables whose stories are true make all men wary of the wiles of wicked women through to ancient times. That does not excuse the wicked ways of some men as well. Divorce is a Divine weapon for excape to a better world. Good Bye old horrid memories of failed marrages and romances, and hello to a new life of happiness.

Jan 09 2025


Yes, I must admit my favorite alcholic drink is Tequila. I have enjoyed Tequila for over 50 years. Recently I Am enjoying a little known Tequila I probably shouldn’t mention I ordered specially for me at my local liquor store. It is a great quality and a half gallon for $25.00 a bonanza for any tequila drinker. I Prefer Tequila with a lime seltzer or club soda. As a connoisseur of Tequila I do not advocate high priced tequilas or ones with artistic bottles. My brand is super and affordable and in a simple plastic bottle. Cheers to all my Tequila loving friends and let’s toast Tequila to a New World Ascension.

Jan 08 2025


Dear Divine Feminine,

I learned today that our connection is finally over. It will no longer be. Thank you for releasing me from your energy. My soul freedom will flee happily into a new paradym of freedom from our connection. Good Bye , good luck and good life. You chose your Karmic and must live with him. I Am freely moving on and I thank you. See you in the next life maybe but, whenever our next meeting is it won’t be in this reality. My 5th Dimensional Ascension is reserved for me and all the wonders it will bring. Good Bye.

Jan 08 2025


In this world I Am content to be a humble writer and artist working towards world recognition. In another world I would be far more ambitious and be a king. I Am grateful I Am not kingly. It seems to be too overly decorated, and I would not be happy living in a palace. I laugh when I see celebrity mansions and palacial estates. I feel no jealousy or envy I only feel relief that I do not carry millions of dollars in overhead. Being a king is too much responsibility ruling over an unruly empire, having to become ruthless and militaristic to sustain dominance over my kingdom. I prefer the silence and peace of my simple life, and hope to enjoy many more years of health, happiness, and the spiritual pursuit of my Ascensioin Vision to the world.

Jan 08 2025


Dear Divine Feminine,

Join me again tonight in our soul merge. I know now under the Venus Moon you are my goddess. She leads me in every way to you. Good night and let our spirits merge.

Jan 07 2025


Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. I awoke a short while ago and realized I had not written a message to my readers. We had a good day today from over 50 countries and I want to thank all my new and regular visitors. My stats are a lesson in world geography with countries seldom recognized in the world, and I Am grateful to my many readers from over 400 world cities this week alone. Being unrecognized as a country and a people is cruel and wrong I wish to recognize all my visitors from all remote countries around the world. I Am most grateful for your interest and friendship and thank you for visiting this site. It is my purpose to promote my Ascension Vision, and I believe it is catching on throughout the world. The massive inspiration of God and his gift of my Twin Flame is inspiring the world to my vision. May God bless all who believe in him and know that we are on a vision quest to ascend to a 5th Dimensional new world.

Jan 06 2025


Dear Divine Feminine,

Thank you for last night’s intense telepathic conversation and soul merge. I Am grateful that you are opening up to me again, after your long silence and physical distance. You are a beautiful soul and a beautiful woman and I understand the limits you currently face in your life. i want the world to know that as my Twin Flame you will always be unconditionally loved, and your beauty will always be appreciated. Be brave and bold as you know how to be. Your strength and ability to overcome adversity will eventually win all. I have been encouraged by you and the Divine to trust in Divine Timing, and keep my patience and faith in us and all will be well.

Jan 06 2025


Feeling alone in the lost world of midnight I ask my spirit for insight but, it only leads me back to the same place of Silence. May angels speak and sing to me, or the music of memory play, to lead me out of Limbo, where my soul is afloat in silence. Good night my After Midnight Friends, and may these words help break the silence in friendship if you are in Limbo too.

Jan 05 2025

2:22 AM

Welcome to all my After Midnight Friends. I believe this is a spiritual hour and time. A magical moment for inspiration. I feel lost and unusually alone tonight. It’s not my normal mood but, a strange silence came over me today as I meditated. We are all alone in our thoughts and in those critical hours of contemplation of our lives and livlihood. Our silent moments when no one or nothing is around to interupt our thoughts. The Silence of After Midnight can be awesome and overwhelming. As a single widower I must understand my place in the world. I ask myself do I belong here and now or elsewhere. Should I fly to some beautiful country and create another life. I have a good friend who recently retired and plans a five country trip. I hope to see him this coming week before he goes away. Good friends and old friends if they are still nearby and well are a rare gift.

Some odd moment of inspiration has come to me tonight at this odd hour. I thought that maybe as all my writing inspirations, that this one was meant for many who experience the same feelings at this odd hour. There generally is a purpose for everything we do. If I can motivate or inspire many or someone in the process of explaining my After Midnight thoughts, then so be it I have done something worthy and good tonight. Be well world and good night.

Jan 04 2025


Mornings are the most hopeful time of my day. I awaken to the morning light, and rise to prepare breakfast and my morning coffee. My two cats anxiously await their morning treats and refilling their water dishes. I often turn on the local morning weather report to prepare for the day ahead. I try to avoid any national or international news so early in the day to avoid negative thoughts of politics, war, mayham or murder. Keeping my morning hours as pleasant as possible allows for a more enjoyable and productive day. I wish the world a good morning today.

Jan 04 2025


Dear Divine Feminine,

I know you are awake and reading this tonight. I feel your energy and your thoughts are very strong. Do not fear that I have pulled my love away from you. I never will. We share a unique bond so rare that it is a Divine Connection. Be it love or friendship, I believe it is both. I Am grateful I met you in this lifetime. My soul had forgotten you and created an empty place in my mind and heart, that I never understood until we met. I Am pleased that we met, and spent many hours and days together in some way. Sleep in peace tonight knowing you will never lose my love whatever you do, or if you ever return to my world.

Jan 04 2025


Welcome all my After MIdnight Friends. I was inspired to write this by a spirit voice in my head. Yes, one of those odd hour inspirations that come to all of us on occasion. Here is my version of ripping into dawn as I awaken too early and try to return to sleep. However, so many thoughts suddenly occur to me good, bad or indifferent. I hope these pictures may interpret to some what it is like to awaken at these odd hours.

Jan 03 2025


Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. It is 1:57 AM and I wish to thank all who have visited my site this early morning and all who will soon visit. I Am writing this in a haze of half sleep and I Am not sure how it will be interpreted by my readers however, know that some how it is inspired by Spirit, that has urged me awake at this hour to write this. I saw an image yesterday that made me wonder how amazing Humanity is . The creation of cities around the world, amazing highways threaded throughout the world, great ships and planes and overwhelming sites that amaze and boggle the mind. All I can say is thank you to so many who create the amazing wonders in the world from the pyramids to the Empire State Building and all the collosal creations around the globe. Humanity is an amazing race of remarkable Creation. I give thanks to our Creator for the many wonderful gifts of genius bestowed on so many. To be blessed with Love, honesty, integrity, genius, wealth, health and overwhelming wonder, and to be surrounded by the awesome majesty, power and beauty of Nature is a wonderful gift to Humanity. Be well my friends and know a sacred spiritual world exists for us. We must believe it is here and now and always and understand that God never gives up on us unless we give up on him.

Jan 02 2025

2:46 AM

Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. So far the new year has been positive. I hope it has been for you as well. We all have dark thoughts even in the New Year, but our past experiences have taught us how to rid them from our minds. There is only one good and bad thought that challenges me this year and they are one and the same. Yes, the happy thought of my Twin Flame reunion and the unhappy thought of her silence and separation. Twin Flame Separation is a major factor in such a unique relationship. It can go on for months or more without contact and yet their intuitive energy and telepathic thought remain strong in sleepless nights, worrisome days, and strange feelings of unknown anxiety. Twin Flame Connections are both a blessing and curse. It is a Divine Plan that tests the soul and creates an awareness of Divine Consciousness with us. Twin Flames must endure the tramas of Spritual Awakening. We are forced to identify all the flaws in our personality and lives and reach for a better way creating a Divinely Guided future of one soul finally reunited with its other half after lifetimes of separation. I believe she and I will reunite either in this lifetime or the next. Either way we are meant to be one again after our purpose for being is fullfilled.

Jan 02 2025


For the first day of the year it has been very good. All the fixings of a good meal, good drink and good companionship. I spoke to all my family and friends wishing them a Happy New Year. They all responded happily. My only disappointment was My Divine Feminine. She has been so far away and for so long I could not help but miss her today on New Years Day. I have consulted a Tarot Reader whose readings are very accurate. She states that abundance and my Twin Flame Reunion are very close and will become reality early this new year. I hope that it is true, and I express all my joy and anticipation of its manifestation to the world.

Jan 01 2025


Welcome all my After Midnight Friends. Yes, it is New Years Day and I woke early from a night of many pleasant dreams. I feel fortunate for some nights I awake from bad dreams. I think the new year will be a good one for me and I hope it is for everyone of my readers. I read yesterday about a silly superstition of not doing laundry or cleaning house on New Years Day it brings bad luck. It didn’t make much sense but it did make me laugh, I guess I Am grateful I did my laundry earlier this week. Have a good new year and God bless everyone.

Dec 31 2024


To all my friends and visitors I wish you all a Happy New Year.

Dec 31 2024


Dear Friends I can’t thank you all enough for your remarkable attendence to this website throughout the year. I feel honored that my Ascension Vision and Twin Flame inspiration has sparked a truly world wide audience in over 150 countries this year alone. I will restrain from disclosing all my stats but to a single, solitary, website owner I could not be more pleased that my work and vision interests so many nations and people of all languages and Spritual beliefs. May the new year be bright and be well for all, and may God continue to engage my Spirit, to encourage all with a brighter and more vivid understanding of how we will all achieve our 5th Dimensional Ascension.

Dec 30 2024


Dear Divine Feminine,

I Am inspired today and everyday by this wall size picture I took of you and gave to you and made one for myself. Your spirit still captivates me even in your long absense. Dance the day away without stress or worry, and be grateful I was able to capture your Spirit so dramatically and beautifully for the world to see.

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